Friday, 23 December 2016

Solution to the DND (Do-Not-Disturb) Problem in Nigeria (Starts Sunday, January 1,2017)

The Nigerian Communication Commission mandated the Telecom operators in Nigeria to implement the Do-Not-Disturb (DND).This is a laudable approach to the menace of unsolicited SMS in Nigeria, it has also created a lot headache for Nigerians especially business owners,religious organizations,associations and NGOs. Not left out are individuals that need to invite their family members and friends to events such as wedding ceremony, birthday parties and other social functions.
It our pleasure to let you know that we have developed and fully integrate a lasting solution to this problem that has been plaguing Bulk SMS in Nigeria since June 2016.

The Provision of DND ROUTE

To cater to the need of individuals and corporate organizations that have express permission to contact phone numbers on DND by SMS, a provision has been made to deliver their messages via the DND ROUTE. The DND ROUTE allows you send SMS to phone numbers on DND provided you have the expressed permission to do so. It is our pleasure to inform you that such DND ROUTE has been integrated on SmsAlart.

This can be described as the POWER SHOT.IT sends messages to all the phone numbers via the DND API.
Delivery to phone numbers on DND and NON DND Numbers.
How much does it Cost to have the Api integrated on my account?

We charge 2 units for a page of SMS on the DND ROUTE to all network.

What Else Do I Need to Know About the DND API?
Delivery of SMS to DND contacts is 100% guaranteed

We are very excited about this and we are sure you are too. If you have any question or comment, please use the comment box below to post them or call 07064869618 or 08095038581

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