We accept Online Payment using ATM Verve Cards, Visa Cards, Master Cards and Etranzact on our SMS Website. You can make payment using the following steps
1. Login to www.smsalart.com with your account details or Register if you have not done so
2. Click on Buy SMS under your SMS menu or at the top of the menu bar
3. Enter the quantity of SMS units you want to purchase
4. Select Vogue Pay as your payment method and click on Submit button
5. You will be directed to Vogue Pay payment platform. We use VoguePay.com as our payment processor. It is very secured
6. Select any of the payment method you want to use either: INTERSWITCH (your bank ATM card or Master Card), you can also use Visa Card or Etranzact/PocketMoni. NB: For you to use your bank ATM, please enable your card for web payment from your bank

7. Click on Proceed button to continue
8. Note the transaction Id, write down or save it somewhere should in case of network failure
9. Enter your valid email address where your payment details will be sent to you
10. Click on Make Payment
11. You will be directed to the payment gateway where you will enter your card details. Pls note we do not have access to your card details. The payment gateway is by the issuing platform you selected, either: Interswitch, Visa Card and Entranzact/Pocketmoni
12. Select your Card type
13. Enter your 16-digit Card Number in front of your atm card/credit card
14. Select your Card Expiry Date. E.g: Jun 2016 or 06/16
15. Enter you 4 Digit Card-Pin using the on-screen keyboard by clicking on the number
16. Enter your 3-digit Card Verification Value(CVV2) Number. Its is located behind your card. It
is usually the last three numbers of the number at the back of your card
17. Click on Pay Button
18. You will be directed to a page where you will Safe Token . Safe Token is usually generated by your bank and sent to you by SMS or E-mail as at the time of the transaction. It is usually generated each time you are making a transaction
19. Enter the safe token sent to you
20. Click on Continue to complete the transaction
21. If the transaction is successfully you will be directed back to our website with your account updated with the number of units bought
PS: If the transaction is not successfully, kindly get back to us to let us know, so that we can check where the problem came from and provide possible solutions
PS: If you are unable to use your card for online payment, you need to contact your bank to enable your ATM card or Visa Card for online payments
If you still need more clarification, Please call:
07064869618 or send an email to: info@smsalart.com
To make payment online now click the image below

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